Sunday, May 18, 2008

My brand new camera lens!!!!

I am having a lot of fun trying out my birthday present. I think the pictures are sharper and clearer, and I know for sure that they have nicer DOF (depth of field) but is it six hundred dollars better??? I have two weeks to make up my mind. As you can see the weather was really nice here this weekend and since grandma was babysitting we decided it was time to pull out the baby pool. Tasia and Kaydence were thrilled, Ahria was not too sure about it.

I love these pictures, here I can see a big difference with my new lens. Tasia loves the water and would stay in it forever if we would let her.

These are some pictures I took of our Kelly girl! She was a doll and very patient with me as I tried to figure out how to get my lens to work proper. I also got a speedlite or a exterior flash for my birthday. I have not tried it yet as I thought I should perhaps try one thing at a time!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cute as a button (thanks kelly!)

We had fun! As you can see we did as much as possible on our holiday. First we stopped to see Shjannon and her new little princess! After that we headed on to Pincher for Shara's bridal shower. It was so much fun to see everyone, as my Auntie Brenda and her girls came down to celebrate with us. We spent some wonderful tome with my adorable little nephews, Trystan and Tyne. ( yes, we enjoyed seeing everyone else too, but sorry guys, it is hard to compete with those sweet faces!)We had fun at the park and the swimming pool! Thanks sweet boys! Lexi and Tasia got all dressed up for church (Lexi knows she looks cute , you can just tell in the picture). After our Pincher visit we headed up to Calgary. We took the girls to the zoo! Lexi slept through most of it, but Tasia loved it! My wonderful friend Karly gave Tasia a lesson on making music using a piece of grass(see Karly, I knew all that education would pay off someday)not too sure if Tasia has caught on yet, but I am sure she will keep practising! Next we headed over to Patti and Lee's for a wonderful day early Mother's Day supper and had fun catching up with the Bourque side of the family. And Brant, a little advice to you, no more skipping school, it is just too expensive! I had to include these pictures because, I for one, have never seen Tasia Rae dirty. She was out in her great grandparents yard and decided to make soup out of the dogs water. When her mom came out and a saw what she was up to, she said to Tasia, "Tasia your hands are dirty" Tasia looked down, agreed with her mom and promptly wiped them on her brand new yoga outfit ( of course she does yoga, you silly people!)

This is my beautiful niece Ashley, who is graduating this month. She got all dressed up for me so I could practise with my camera. Let me tell you, it so much easier taking pictures of big kids than little ones! I think she looks stunning in her dress. That girl grew up really pretty!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Adventures of Kaydence and Ahria.

Go, go , go little man!!!
Double click on picture to enlarge!
These pictures are for anyone wondering what I accomplished in the last five days....NOTHING!! Little boy wonder and his amazing little sister came for a visit and as you can see they were very busy. Kaydence does not let time stand still , he is one busy little man. And you know, I love every minute of it. This was the first extended visit for Ahria and she did pretty well. The first three days were a breeze but the last two she got a little homesick for her mommy and daddy but still overall I was impressed with her new found independence. Luckily for the Antley girls their cousins got to be my models . Anyone who knows me very well knows that I think a camera and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly so here are just a couple of the pictures I took of the dynamic duo. As you can see Kaydence really adores his sister, she is the perfect target for both his affection and his naughtyness! When he is not loving her he is bugging the daylights out of her. But for the most part he really looks after her.
Do they not look like little angels here.
Just thought this picture was cool!
Now that I have updated my blog I can get back to work. Next blog I will update everyone on Sharae's and my new adventures into the land of retail. Stay tuned.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

okay, get ready everyone!

I am babysitting Kaydence and Ahria and will have pictures and an update of all my fun soon! Stay posted, believe me a three year old has quite a lot to say, probably a lot more than he should. This blog update will happen of course, as long as I survive the five days and four nights.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

More Easter pictures of the big kids.

A rare picture of Jaden. This is Easter Sunday, but we also celebrated his twenty- sixth birthday since the family was all together. I find it hard to believe that he is that old I still so clearly remember him as a little boy with the mischievous smile that got him out of a lot of trouble. He is a wonderful son and so loving and loyal towards his whole family. I feel very blessed that he is my son.

I had some fun at Easter taking pictures of the kids. The above pictures are of our sweet Kelly, Colton's girlfriend of over two years. (Don't tell anyone, but we like her more than we like Colton). Kelly showed up as we were taking pictures of the little kids and so of course she became our next model, like it or not. I must say her pictures turned out so cute (this is just a couple of quite a few, the top one is my favorite and the bottom one is Kelly's favorite) and she was a good sport about doing them. I do find taking pictures of a sixteen year old a lot easier than doing the little kids. Kelly is a very important part of our family and she adds a lot of fun to any special occasion. Colton is not allowed to ever break up with her!

Here of course is my little grouch! He, unlike Kelly, was not a good sport about having his picture taken. Thank heavens for our Crystal, she managed to get a smile out of him for us. I think he was pouting because Easter Bunny couldn't come until everyone arrived. But I love the pictures and think they are so cute. I don't know why my big kids don't like their pictures taken..maybe I took too many when they were little. The girls of course, always say, just wait until I have makeup on, or just wait until I have lost this baby fat (they need to quit getting pregnant or I will never get any pictures of them). Colton and Doug just don't like pictures taken, Jaden at least will let me take a few as long as I don't get carried away. And heaven knows, I can get carried away once I get my hands on a camera and willing subject. Sadly for me, my willing subjects are getting fewer and fewer, but I think I still can bribe Tasia with chocolate, actually that probably might work for a few others I know of.
Boy that was a close call, I almost lost this post! And believe me that would not be great as it takes me awhile to do these.

Monday, March 24, 2008

easter, easter, easter

What a fun weekend, we had everyone out and this was the first time Kaydence and Tasia have painted eggs. It was a bit messy, but they were so cute. Most excited though, as usual, for the easter bunny to come was Doug Jr. Why does he still believe in Santa and the Easter bunny? We dressed the kids all up for pictures and we forgot all about poor little Alexcia! Hard to believe, as she usually makes sure all of us are aware of her presence. Nevertheless, the other three looked so cute. Took some pictures of my big kids too, although I personally do not find them quite as cute as the little kids.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ten things I bet you didn't know

So what is new in my world, not too much so I decided to search out something to amuse, entertain, or just plain educate all of you who take the time to read my blog.
Here are ten things I just didn't know:
-All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20. (I didn't know this, but I bet Jaden did!)
-Charlie Brown's father was a barber. ( Let me tell you, his father didn't make much money on old Charlie's haircuts, wasn't he pretty much bald?)
-Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery. (Now who would have thought something like that could ever happen!)
-Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer. (What???)
-A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. ( I wonder what a goldfish giving birth calls her babies father, are little goldfish called babies or tadpoles?)
-It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up. The frog throws up it's stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of it's mouth. Then the frog uses it's forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again. ( I know, really, really icky, but interesting don't you think)
-A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won't. ( Is that where the statement , stubborn as a mule comes from?, notice it didn't say can't but won't!)
-To "testify" was based on men in the Roman court swearing to a statement made by swearing on their testicles. ( I can't even begin to comment on this one, but we all know how important those body parts are to a man. And if you don't know, I would like to know where you have been living all your life.)
-The characters Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street were named after Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in Frank Capra's "Its A Wonderful Life" ( So how did they get such a bad rap on Sesame Street?)
-The letters KGB stand for Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti. ( Of course I knew this one, but I was pretty sure no one else did... come on, I went to school for six years, I have to use that education for something.)
So there you go , ten things I didn't know and hopefully we are all smarter now.
Now a little about the family. I promised you that this blog would brag about those delightful grandkids who make my world perfect. Just a few Kaydence stories. This weekend he came to visit along with his daddy and sister. AS always, he got to sleep with grandma. In the morning I felt that eyes staring feeling you get when you are sleeping and know someone is staring at you. I open my eyes and six inches from my face is this little boy with a huge grin. He says, "Gramma Lana, your snoring woke me up?" Gee, I love that boy. Then I told him that he was going home today (I always prepare kaydence because he hates leaving) He propped his elbows on me and set his head in his hands and looked at me with those big blue eyes and said " oh no, this isn't good!" No wonder he gets what ever he wants from me! Could you turn down this face?
Well that is about it from me tonight, I'm tired. But next time you get to hear about the other kids in my family, the in-laws or out-laws depending upon how they have been behaving. But since I didn't have room to put pictures on my header I want to show everyone how well my children did in picking spouses so that I could have adorable and perfect grandchildren.